Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week Seven: Visual Essay

Throughout this semester, we've spoken a lot about access points. This visual essay outlines numerous access points facing our students while creating a degree of personification for these access points.
In general, this assignment linked very well to the CI 5472 (Media) class I am taking this spring. The importance and impact of pictures in our visually driven society should not be overlooked in the classroom. This visual essay would allow students an opportunity to utilize technology and examine media theories. Additionally, this assignment could also be a great way to introduce critical theories- On sites like 'Flickr', what titles have been given to certain pictures? What assumptions are being made in these image titles? Visual essays would be a great incorporation of a new literacy while incorporating a degree of novelty in the English classroom.


  1. Jen, I think that your idea of using Flickr to critically examine in the classroom is a really unique idea. Another thing that this idea brings to my mind are the following: Picassa (an online database as similar to flicker where students could critically analyze titles and captions that go along with pictures), and the general news media (students could critically analyze the picture that they use to illustrate a story; think back to the pictures from hurricane Katrina where photographers captured African Americans looting stores, and white people helping the relief effort).

    Also, I think it would be really valuable to perhaps pair these two sources as the Flickr / Picassa sights "capture" a different domain than the general news media; private vs. public I guess I would call it.

    What do you think of these activities?

  2. I'm wondering how many hours are in your day? You write amazing blogs, yet are able to comment on almost everyone else's posts... Right now you are insane, even to Jen Jones! That has to feel good!

  3. Jen, I like how your photos feel related to one another, both in visual composition and in tone. They work together very well.
